Hi, I'm Emily Fout!

I’m the head designer and owner of Fout Jewelry Design. As a third generation builder, I spent my early years learning from my father in his woodworking studio in our small mountain town in the Rockies. It was at his workbench that I discovered the joy of creating work out of raw materials. When I was nine years old, my jewelry-making began. My first company, Fizzy Love Jewelry, took me to craft fairs and local farmer’s markets across Colorado. After many years of making and selling jewelry, I took a step toward my future and attended gemology school at The Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Soon after graduating from GIA, it was time to evolve my company and hone my passion for one-of-a-kind pieces. When it came to designing a logo, I knew my father’s handwriting would  capture the essence of Fout Jewelry Design: a legacy of hand-built art, inspired by the rhythms of nature and the natural beauty of the mountains.

I believe each of us is an original design. I’m passionate about creating wearable art that reflects your original design. When you wear FJD pieces, I want you to feel empowered and beautiful—in raw, natural form.